2020 AGM Meeting Details

2020 AGM Meeting Details

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2020 AGM Meeting Details

Annual General Meeting

14th July 2020 at 19.00
By Zoom Conference

Joining link:

Meeting ID: 832 7012 5983
Password: 051265


1. Chairperson’s opening remarks

2. Taking of attendees and apologies for absence

3. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising (Download – AGM Minutes 2019)

4. Receipt of the accounts

5. Application of profits

6. Appointment of directors to include the election of Ray Hughes and Russell Thomas to the Board.

7. Resolutions:
• Resolution 1 – that the Society agrees that the Society will prepare the accounts for the year ending 31st December 2020 without the need of an audit but will be the subject of an assurance review prepared by a firm of chartered accountants.

• Resolution 2 – to adopt for the accounting period ending 31st December 2020 the proviso in Rule 38 that “or alternatively, if so agreed by the Society in general meeting, notices of general meetings may be displayed conspicuously at the registered office and in all other places of business of the Society to which Members have access”

• Resolution 3 – to amend Rule 81 to give the chairman a casting vote

• Resolution 4 – to amend Rule 52 to say “A resolution put to the vote at a general meeting shall be decided by a show of hands together with votes by proxy unless a paper ballot is demanded in accordance with these Rules. A declaration by the chairperson that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried or lost with an entry to that effect recorded in the minutes of the general meeting shall be conclusive evidence of the result. Proportions or numbers of votes in favour for or against need not be recorded