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DeLorean flying into Wellington this May


DeLorean flying into Wellington this May

Wellington Orbit, Telford’s only Independent cinema is re-opening in style with a great selection of films including the Back To The Future Trilogy. To kick-off the event, the DeLorean car will be making an appearance in Wellington Square on Saturday 22nd May alongside the showing of the first of three films. 

Liam McClelland, Marketing Director at Wellington Orbit said “We are excited to be relaunching our cinema with a great set of films and events. Back To The Future is one of many classic films which is loved by many and fans will have the amazing opportunity to see the car in person”. 

The Orbit will be screening each of the three films over three Saturdays with a special themed cafe menu to make the experience even more thrilling. 

Damian Breeze, Manager at Wellington Orbit said “We are always looking at ways to make the magic of cinema even more special and we cannot wait to allow guests to grab a photo with the DeLorean, enjoy some classic American diner food and to experience the film on the big screen.”. 

“We will have safety measures in place to help protect everyone and ask that the public do their part and maintain their distance when around the car”.

Tickets for the screenings can be purchased online by visiting Wellington Orbit’s website (www.wellingtonorbit.co.uk) or at the box office. 

The Orbit are currently operating at a reduced capacity due to Covid and therefore recommend booking ahead to avoid missing out.